Friday, August 30, 2013

Where in the World Am I?

Sing them over again to me, wonderful words of life.
Let me more of their beauty see - wonderful words of life.

When one takes on the task of writing a daily blog, you expect there to be hiccups from time to time. You come down with an illness, receive an unexpected visitor, have a little accident, race to an emergency at work, etc., etc., etc.  If you are gone for a day or two, those who read your blog don't think much about it - they expect hiccups as well.  But when you disappear for weeks (months?) at a time, there are those who wonder why.  Are you ill?  Have you changed jobs?  Or have you simply quit blogging?

The answer is - none of the above.  The answer is quite simple:  What happens when you run out of things to say?

I do not have a huge readership, and have never tailored this blog to be on any certain topic or in any set style.  I have tried to write from a devotional standpoint, but have also written Bible commentary, social issues commentary, political commentary, and current events commentary.  I have shared favorite hymns, singing groups, soloists, and choirs.  After almost two years of blogging, I began to have days when I could not think of a thing to say - not a single topic that brought inspiration.    Eventually it became obvious that I needed to take a break.

I still enjoy writing, and have just finished a set of seven blogs on the church website and Facebook page (one per week) to go along with a sermon series.  As fall approaches, I'm beginning to feel the pull of wanting to write in this blog again.  I will not write every day - possibly three times a week.  If you are a loyal reader, I apologize for my absence.  If you are seeing this page for the first time, drop back by in a few days for a different story line!