Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Uncontrolled Anger

A fool gives full vent to his anger,
But a wise man keeps himself under control.
Proverbs 29:11

There are few things that really surprise me anymore, but this morning, perusing Yahoo News, I came across an article that did.  I’m sure you remember the name Joran Van der Sloot – the man widely suspected of having murdered American student Natalee Holloway in Aruba in May of 2005.  He was arrested twice in the case, released both times for lack of physical evidence, and then had the gall to offer to give the parents information regarding Natalee’s death and the location of her body for $250,000. 

Fast forward five years to the day – May 30, 2010 – when a 21-year-old business student named Stephany Flores was found dead in Van der Sloot’s hotel room in Lima, Peru.  Four days later, he was arrested in Chile, extradited to Peru, and confessed to having murdered Flores in anger after finding her trolling on his personal computer for possible information regarding Natalee. The confession was later retracted, and Van der Sloot has been awaiting trial on first degree murder charges, scheduled to begin shortly after the first of next year.  A Peruvian magazine has reported that the 24-year-old has stabbed at least three other prisoners during his incarceration, and is filled with anger.

This morning I awoke to the news that Van der Sloot has filed a lawsuit for $10 million in damages, against the former Peruvian president, the former Chilean interior minister, several police generals, and the victim’s father, Ricardo Flores.  He claims that his rights were denied when he was extradited against his will from Chile to Peru, that his confession was made under duress, and several other rights violations.  His family issued a simultaneous comment that the murder of Flores was during a time when he was suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome.  A “not guilty by reason of insanity” defense cannot be far behind.

Whatever happened to the creed of being responsible for one’s own actions?  For respect for human life?   Every picture I see of the face of this young man holds either a knowing twinkle in the eye and a smirk, or a stare of extreme anger.  He may be rich, spoiled, cunning, brilliant, and seething with rage, but that does not and can not excuse any of his actions.  He must answer for them – hopefully before men, certainly before God.

All news facts and details from Yahoo News and the Huffington Post online.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Reputation - Part II

Theresa's Cafe, Stockbridge, MA

A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches,
and favor is better than silver or gold.
Proverbs 22:1

Theresa’s CafĂ© can be found at the end of a tiny alley-like drive in Stockbridge.  It is an outwardly nondescript place that you would never know was there without signs being posted on Main Street.  This little eating establishment has a far greater claim to fame than one would perceive from the street – this is the Alice’s Restaurant of Arlo Guthrie fame.

Alice and Ray Brock were teachers who lived in a converted church, transforming the place into a refuge for their students and other young people to escape the “establishment pressures,” including the Vietnam War and the draft.  On Thanksgiving Day in 1965, 18-year-old Arlo and his friend Richard, were asked by Alice to take some garbage to the dump.  Finding the facility closed because of the holiday, the two kids threw the trash down a local hillside.  Arrested by Stockbridge policeman Obie Obanhein for illegal dumping, Guthrie and friend found themselves in court.  The officer had photos of the crime to present to the court, but the judge on duty that day entered the courtroom with a seeing-eye dog.  Arlo and Richard were eventually fined $25 each and told to go pick up their garbage.

During the next two years, this incident in Guthrie’s life evolved into his signature song, “Alice’s Restaurant.”  According to the song, when Guthrie was later called up for the draft, he went to the New York City induction center.  The last question?  “Have you ever been arrested?”  Because of his criminal record for littering, the song records that he was rejected for military service - the officer declaring, “We don’t like your kind,” and sending his fingerprints to the FBI: a litterer too immoral to be sent to war.  In reality, he was classified 1A, but his number never came up.  A movie was made about Alice’s Restaurant in 1968, with both Guthrie and Office Obie playing themselves.

Guthrie’s song and movie immortalized his youthful indiscretion and his name is forever linked with Alice’s Restaurant.  It is not, however, the end of the story.  In the mid-1990’s, Guthrie raised the funds to purchase the church building as a home for the Guthrie Foundation, a nonprofit interfaith organization that cultivates spiritual activities as well as cultural and educational endeavors.

Monday, November 28, 2011


Metro Richmond Zoo   Copyright: 2011 singeronthesand

And we know that in all things God works
for the good of those who love Him,
who have been called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28

I was raised in the household of a loving but silent father, and an overbearing mother with extremely conservative religious views.  By the time I reached high school age, I was ready for a little wholesale rebellion.  I was a day student at a denominational boarding school in Scottsdale – far removed from my mother’s presence. 

My behavioral mutinies were extremely mild by today’s standards, but for my ultra-conservative educational institution, it was no less than heresy: hiding on the floorboards or in the tiny “trunk” of my friend’s 1964 T-bird convertible to escape campus for a little decent nourishment;  kissing my current flame out behind the gym or the front oleander hedge; crossing the invisible gender segregation line in the middle of campus at inappropriate times; being discovered at night on the road behind the boy’s dorm, talking through the window to the “inmates” locked inside, then running out into the desert to avoid being caught; placing clear plastic film underneath the toilet seat in the teacher’s bathroom; hiking my skirt up above my knees for class, then rolling it down before reaching the principal’s office; setting off tiny firecrackers in geometry class; beginning the humming chorus during English.  I was so bloomin’ tired of being forced to be “good,” that I loved being creatively, mildly “bad.”

Many years later, I called back to the Registrar’s Office to make arrangements for a transcript to be sent for graduate school.  When the older woman who answered the phone asked for my name, her blurted response was classic:  “Oh, I’ve heard about you!” 
Even though I was almost thirty years old, I knew that it was useless to counter with tales of my now placid, non-rebellious character, so I simply ignored her rude comment and finished making arrangements.

The experience was a rather pointed example, however, of just how long a bad reputation can hang around.  Human nature finds tales of missteps much more interesting than toeing the line, and gossip expands silly pranks into mountainous transgressions.  Thankfully, God used all of my peccadilloes to transform me into who I am today.  He forgave me a long time ago, and that is all that really matters.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving 5

Photograph courtesy of the Red Lion Inn 3rd floor library computer.

Let all things now living, a song of thanksgiving 
to God our Creator triumphantly raise. 

The Thanksgiving holiday is over, the shopping world is poised for Cyber Monday, the church is celebrating the first Sunday of Advent, and I face 10-12 hours in the car negotiating my way home from New England.  The area of the Berkshires is absolutely beautiful country - even with barren trees and frosty temperatures.

I had to laugh at myself yesterday.  The Berkshires Botanical Gardens are located in Stockbridge - open from May 1 to Columbus Day.  For some reason, I believed that Columbus Day was in February and that the gardens would be open during my trip here.  Of course, that particular holiday occurs on the second Monday of October (a little Internet research), and the gardens had long been closed.  Blissfully unaware, I boarded the local bus for the 1.9 mile drive to the gardens.  The bus driver didn't even blink when I asked if I could get off there, and, of course, did not mention that the gardens were "not open."  Perhaps that was due to the fact that Berkshire Botanical is a very open place, and the only thing keeping people out are the locks on the doors of the buildings and greenhouses.  One can wander the acreage at any time of year - even in the relative bleakness of a frosty fall day.

It is amazing what one can find to photograph even in a garden filled with "death": the golden hydrangea flowers now dried to perfection - some of the bushes as large as small trees; the bright green moss on fallen logs nestled in piles of brown leaves; stately evergreens and gloriously tall Christmas trees; small clumps of red berries that have not frozen yet; and tall, feathery carcasses of seed pods long empty.  Within God's creation, there is beauty in any season.  One only has to look through Heaven's eyes.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving 4

This afternoon at 4:00 pm, my middle daughter and I will be participating in a "sing-in" of Handel's Messiah at the Congregational Church in Great Barrington.  Performing as a soloist, choir member, or accompanist of this great work has been a part of my holiday experience since I was twelve years old.  Written in 23 short days by the secular court musician George F. Handel, The Messiah is a masterpiece of music and word that transcends the printed page, giving birth to a musical experience that seems to come down from heaven itself. 

Tomorrow is the beginning of the "Advent Season" of the church - a time of preparation for the coming of the Christ Child in the manger.  I can think of no better way to begin my Christmas celebration for 2011 than to join together with others in this picturesque New England village to sing the glorious music that is The Messiah.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving 3

O come, let us sing unto the Lord;
Let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.
Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving,
and make a joyful noise unto Him with psalms.
Psalm 95:1-2

Today is BLACK FRIDAY - the ultimate American shopping day.  Every year the starting time for opening the stores has moved steadily backwards - this year resulting in some stores such as Walmart opening at midnight on Thanksgiving evening (10pm in some locations).

I have never been a fan of Black Friday shopping.  The "bargains" never seem to fit into the category that I need, or are still so expensive that I can not afford them.  Several years ago, my two younger girls and I traveled to New York City to have Thanksgiving with my oldest daughter.  We made the mistake (at least in my mind), of attempting to go shopping at the 34th Street Macy's on Friday.  I have never experienced anything like it in my life.  Thousands of people, wall to wall, shoulder to shoulder, all wanting to buy the same merchandise and all needing to stand in the same check-out line on all five floors of the store.  Store administrative personnel and policemen were at every corner, escalator, and elevator - all trying to keep the peace in utter chaos.

The shoe department was the epitome of the cacophony of confusion:  boxes of shoes were strewn everywhere, single shoes tossed aside like scrap paper.  What appeared to be ten or twelve sales associates were attempting to assist literally hundreds of irate customers.  People were yelling, cursing, and shoving - barely avoiding being trampled as they fought for supremacy.  My oldest and youngest reveled in the mess.  My middle child and I escaped to the relative serenity of the 54th Street Barnes & Noble. 

Wherever your shopping or non-shopping takes you today, I hope you have a day filled with peace and continued thanksgiving.  If you are a bargain-hunter, have at it!!  If you are not, perhaps you would like to join me in front of the fire with the newspaper and a cup of hot tea. 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving 2

Fallow Deer.  Copyright: 2011 singeronthesand

Enter into His gates with Thanksgiving,
and into His courts with praise.
Psalm 100

On this Thanksgiving morning, as you gather together with precious family and friends, I wish you the very best in fellowship, memories and community.  This has been a tough year all around the world, but there still have been blessings amidst the turmoil.  I am thankful for all that is my life, and ask God to guide me in how to help those who do not have the physical blessings that I possess.  May your day be filled with joy and contentment.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving 1

Rose Garden, Ginter Botanical Gardens.  Copyright: 2011 singeronthesand

I recently arrived in Stockbridge, MA.  My three daughters and I are on an adventure in New England for the Thanksgiving weekend.  The journey here was peaceful and relatively uneventful until Mother (that would be me) began to argue with the GPS of the driver.    It was not a wise move, and much lively--if agitated--conversation ensued.  In the end, my driver daughter and her GPS were correct, and I needed to chill out.

There was a lesson to be learned here.  Trusting my daughter to do the job she was obviously doing quite well was difficult for me, somehow.  Her careful driving and her GPS had brought us safely and accurately for seven hours.  All of a sudden, she and it were wrong?  It was a classic case of foot in mouth disease, and I was clearly out of line.

At time I have the same difficulty trusting my heavenly Father.  I am so sure that my way is correct, and so very often I am entirely wrong.  Learning to trust is an on-going process for me.  Thankfully, the Lord (and my daughter) have not given up on me yet!   
Give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks to the Holy One,
Give thanks because He has given Jesus Christ, His Son.
And now, let the weak say I am strong, let the poor say I am rich,
Because of what the Lord has done for us. Give thanks.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Ginter Botanical Gardens  Copyright: 2011 singeronthesand
I will praise the name of God with a song,
And magnify Him with thanksgiving.
Psalm 69:30

Hao Truong, his wife, and baby son Kham, were a part of the boat people who fled Vietnam at the end of the Vietnamese War, sailing in dangerously overcrowded boats through treacherous waters.  Truong’s family was sailing to Thailand in December of 1977 when their boat was attacked by pirates, and they were thrown into the South China Sea. Truong managed to survive 16 hours in the water, but he learned weeks later that his wife had drowned.  There was no word regarding their 7-month-old son.

In 1978, Truong resettled in the United States, sponsored by a relative in Louisiana.  All these years he has believed that his son could have survived the shipwreck.  In June of this year, he traveled to Thailand after receiving a tip that his son was there.  A social worker helped him locate his son – a 34-year-old father of two named Samart.  Truong stayed with his son for three weeks, and both were amazed that it felt as though they had known each other their whole lives.

This week, Samart arrived in Rochester, New York where Truong and his family now live.  He will spend four months in the U.S., eventually traveling to Texas to meet his 86-year-old grandfather.  As Truong stood with his son and family at the airport, he proudly proclaimed, “We’re going to have a big Thanksgiving holiday!” 

[Facts from Associated Press on the Internet]

Monday, November 21, 2011

Hacking For a Buck?

Winter White Rose.  Copyright: singeronthesand 2011
The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.
1 Timothy 6:10

My father was a newspaper man at Phoenix Newspapers, Inc.  He was the day foreman in the composing room, and my brothers and I all worked at the paper during our teen/twentysomething years.  I know from experience that the business is cutthroat at best and downright dirty much of the time.  The search for news [the best, the most, the juiciest] is a 24/7 rat race.  The recent revelations in Britain, however, of the lengths that Rupert Murdoch and his minions were willing to go to sell newspapers, are astounding in their callousness and evil.

Celebrities lay their lives open for the world to see, and are used to the invasion of their privacy and lifestyle.  They may not like it, but it is good business sense.  Hiring a professional to hack into the cell phones of murdered children and the families of troops killed in action is another matter entirely.  In the most explosive case involving Murdoch’s media conglomerate, a missing teenage girl’s phone was hacked for information.  After listening, the hacker deleted posts to make room for more [to be hacked at a later date], giving the parents false hope that their child was still alive and retrieving her messages.  Despicable is the word that comes to mind, but doesn’t quite seem to describe the depth of depravity and greed that would engender this action.

What would I do to make a buck?  I’ve tried lots of things in my life – some successful, others not so much.  Compromising my integrity to do so, however, has not made it onto my list.  Preying on the lives of innocent people has not been utilized either. Our integrity—our character—makes us who we are.  Our respect for the lives and privacy of those around us enables us to live peaceably on this planet.  Treating others as you would want to be treated gives us hope for a continued future together.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Yesterday's Givers

Ginter Botanical Garden © singeronthesand 2011

Is this not the fast which I choose, 
to loosen the bonds of wickedness, 
to undo the bands of the yoke, 
and to let the oppressed go free, 
and break every yoke? 
Is it not to divide your bread with the hungry, 
and bring the homeless poor into the house; 
when you see the naked, to cover him, 
and not to hide yourself from your own flesh?
Isaiah 58:66

“In Forsythe County’s rolling subdivisions near Atlanta, Easy Street seems to run forever.  What recession?’  The average household here earns $88,000 – the highest in Georgia, 13th highest in America.  But for more families here, prosperity is a pretense.  The job’s lost, the savings are gone, and the big house is either in foreclosure or on its way.  And just keeping food on the table is a struggle.  So Forsythe’s newly needy file into local food banks.  Yesterday’s GIVERS have become today’s TAKERS.” [CBS News 11/20/11]

While the Super Committee for Debt Reduction is drowning in partisan politics and on the brink of collapse with out a deal in sight, America’s lower and middle class are finding it increasingly difficult to save their homes and feed their families.  Local news outlets here show photos of food banks with empty shelves.  Neighbors are going into bankruptcy or foreclosure or both.  The lines at soup kitchens get longer every day.

How can we help – those of us who still have a home and a decent meal for supper tonight?  If you have an opinion, make your voice be heard in your local political system.  Pick up some extra cans of food or a can of baby formula and drop them at a collection site for the food bank.  Volunteer at a soup kitchen, or with a group that does gleaning in local agricultural fields.  Jesus isn’t on earth today – we are.

We are His hands to touch the world around us.
We are His feet to go where He may lead.
We are His love burning in the darkness.
We are His love shining in the night.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Photograph via Internet Search. Copyright Alaska in Pictures.
Why look for the living among the dead? 
He is not here; He has risen!
Luke 24:5b-6a

For months prior to His crucifixion, Jesus tried to prepare His disciples for events that were soon to take place, but their hearts could not comprehend His message.  The Messiah was supposed to establish a kingdom – not die!  Their struggle to understand what Jesus was trying to tell them completely masked the words He gave regarding rising again.  It was simply a non-issue.

In the dark hours after Calvary, in the deepness of their grief and despair, there was not a shred of light to lift their thoughts and minds away from the horror they had witnessed.  They …rested on the Sabbath according to the commandment…, but I’m sure there was little if any true rest.  In the wee hours of Sunday morning, however, the darkness of this earth was pierced by the glory of an angelic host whose brilliance relegated the guards to a senseless heap, as the call went forth, Son of God!  Thy Father calls Thee!  The Light of the World stepped from the blackness of the tomb into the brightness of resurrection morning.  Hallelujah!

Friday, November 18, 2011

God is Our Rock

Metro Richmond Zoo 2011.  © singeronthesand 2011
May the words of my mouth,
and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight,
O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Psalm 19:14

The picture of God as our Rock originates in Exodus 17, when the children of Israel were wandering in the desert wilderness at Rephidim and discovered that there was no water to drink.  The people began to complain again, accusing Moses of bring them to the boonies where they are going to die of thirst.  Moses pleads with God, and God commands him to go to the rock at Horeb.  God specifically says that He will meet Moses at that rock, and “stand beside you.”  Then Moses was to strike the rock, and abundant water would come flowing forth for the people.  Moses did as the Lord instructed, and the people’s thirst was quenched with miracle water from a rock.

God is our Rock today as surely as He was to ancient Israel.  He is steadfast and eternal, always with us, always beside us.  We can turn to Him at any time to draw on His strength and courage.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Awesome God

Metro Richmond Zoo.  © singeronthesand 2011

…my heart stands in awe of Your words…
Psalm 119:161

Rich Mullins, a Christian singer-songwriter from Indiana, is best known for his worship song, Awesome God, released in 1988 on his third album, Winds of Heaven, Stuff of Earth.  Mullins and the Ragamuffin Band were active Christian artists throughout the `80’s and 90`s until his tragic death in an automobile accident on September 19, 1997. 

Revelation 14 says, Fear [hold in awe] God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment is come; and worship Him that made heaven and earth, and the seas, and the fountains of waters.  God is the Creator of all things in this universe as well as our Savior and Redeemer.  He is, indeed, awesome.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

You Put This Love in My Heart

For God so loved the world
That He gave His one and only Son,
That whoever believes in Him shall not perish
But have eternal life.
John 3:16

Every great singing ensemble has at least one stellar voice that the group bases their unique sound around.  In the case of Glad, that voice belongs to Ed Nalle.  One of the original members of the group and now an ordained pastor, Mr. Nalle has a soaring tenor that at times seems unbelievable in its range and beauty.  One of the songs that bring to the forefront his vocal gifts is Glad’s hit, You Put This Love in My Heart.  

God’s love is a power and strength that infuses our lives with faith, joy and courage.  Whatever you face today in your work-a-day world, the love of our Redeemer is offered to you in rich abundance. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

In the First Light

Picture Courtesy of Internet Search; Photographer Unknown

The video by Glad today is my favorite Christmas song of all time, although it is not a typical carol.  A song of sweeping chords and themes, it goes far beyond the baby born in the manger:

In the first light of a new day
No one knew He had arrived
Things continued as they had been
While a new born softly cried.

But the heavens wrapped in wonder
Knew the meaning of His birth
In the weakness of a baby
They knew God had come to earth.

As His mother held him closely,
It was hard to understand
That her baby, not yet speaking,
Was the Word of God to man.

He would tell them of a kingdom
But their hearts would not believe.
They would hate Him, and in anger,
They would nail Him to a tree.

But the sadness would be broken
As the Song of Life arose,
And the first-born of creation
Would ascend and take His throne.

He had left it to redeem us,
But before His life began
He knew He'd come back, not as a baby
But as the Lord of every man.

Hear the angels as their singing
On the morning of His birth.
But how much greater will their song be
When He comes again to earth -
When He comes to rule the earth.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Be Ye Glad

Copyright 2011 singeronthesand

This is the day which the Lord has made;
We will be glad and rejoice in it.
Psalm 118:24

This week, I would like to share with you the music of GLAD, a Christian a cappella group that is absolutely my favorite recording group.  Formed in 1972 on the campus of West Chester State University of Pennsylvania, the group has released twenty-three recordings of Christian pop, rock, and a cappella music and performed thousands of concerts across the world.  Our song for today is their signature song, Be Ye Glad. 

Be ye glad, O be ye glad
Every debt that you’ve ever had
Has been paid up in full by the grace of the Lord
Be ye glad, be ye glad, be ye glad.

I’ve always thought that the word “glad” was such a down home, simple description of happiness.  The word means:  having pleasure or joy; happy, pleased, very willing.  There are many things in life that make me glad:  my children, my cozy little house, the chance to garden outside on a glorious spring/fall day, the antics of my cats, the hug of a dear friend, an unexpected phone call from someone dear to me, or listening to my favorite music while puttering around the house.  This song, with its beautiful harmonies and soaring voices, reminds us that we can be glad at any time and any place in our lives because we are children of God, redeemed by His grace.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

This is My Father's World

You care for the land and water it;
You enrich it abundantly.
Psalm 65:9
 As I went walking yesterday, I could not help but be amazed at the beauty of the day.  The temperature was around 70 degrees, the autumn colors were in full force, the sun illuminating a brilliant blue sky.  It was a day of perfection and immediately reminded me of one of my favorite hymns.  May today be a day of beauty and perfection for you as well.  Blessings.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Front Yard Rose Series © singeronthesand 2011

I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat…
Matthew 25:35a

Whenever I hear or see the word, Somalia, my heart feels heavy and almost hopeless.  So many hungry people – approximately 4 million across Somalia, and additional millions in areas of Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, and Djibouti.  Famine has claimed the lives of tens of thousands of Somali children this year.  Through sheer determination and hard work, aid agencies are getting food aid to nearly 2.2 million of the 4 million that need it.  Unfortunately, however, that leaves 1.8 million people facing starvation.  Islamist militias have forbidden many aid agencies to operate in their territory.  Aid agencies are pleading for everyone involved to put “people before politics.”

Baby Minhaj was one of a dozen almost lifeless babies lying under mosquito nets in the IRC hospital in Dadaab – the world’s largest refugee camp.  Minhaj was seven months old, but weighed only 7 pounds, less than some newborns.  His mother had given up all hope of his survival.  But after three+ months of intensive feedings with a mixture called Plumpynut – similar to sweetened peanut butter with added nutrients – Minhaj weighed nearly 17½  pounds – close to normal for a child his age. [Information from Katherine Houreld, AP Press, 11-9-11 via Internet]

We who live a world away are horrified by the statistics, and shrink away from the graphic photographs.  Yet these are our brothers and sisters – those whom Christ has bidden us to care for as we would care for ourselves.  It is easy to feel completely overwhelmed by the enormity of the starvation and need.  However, we all can do something.  Give up coffee, dessert, or restaurant meals for a month and send the savings to a reputable relief agency.  Participate in the Crop Walk: an annual fund-raising walk for hungry people all over the world.  Research on the Internet for a relief organization that can utilize your talent, your skills and your donations.  God calls upon us to love our neighbors – even our neighbors in the Horn of Africa.

 Photo Courtesy of Yahoo Internet Search © Associated Press 2011

Today's Prayer Needs
For all people facing starvation in drought ravaged Africa
For all political groups in the region to open up avenues for aid to reach all people
For the people of the world, that we may open our hearts and lives to help  

Friday, November 11, 2011


Front Yard Rose Series © singeronthesand 2011

So teach us to number our days,
that we may apply our hearts to wisdom.
Psalm 90:12

Today is the 11th day of the 11th month of 2011, and many people around the world are hoping that this magical number will bring them good luck.  In Las Vegas, of 3,200 applications for a marriage license for today have been filed – more than three times the normal number. One woman in New York plans on buying 11 lottery tickets that include the number 11.  Twin girls in Wisconsin are celebrating their 11th birthday today with an “11” birthday cake and “11” birthday socks.  Some restaurants are charging $11.11 for a meal, and casinos are geared up for an onslaught of gamblers who believe that this will be their lucky day.

This date is special for a much more important reason than just the numbers.  Today we observe Veteran’s Day, instituted in memory of the World War I armistice that became reality on November 11, 1918 at 11:00 am.  My father was a Navy veteran, having served 35 years in the Naval Reserves – seeing action during the Korean War, the Bay of Pigs and Vietnam.  My father was very proud of his military service, and this weekend I will proudly wear his dog tags in honor of his life and service.

Whatever your expectations for 11-11-11, I hope that you will have a blessed and productive day.  If you know a veteran or pass someone in military uniform, take a moment and thank them for their service.  Because of them, we are free:  free to live, love and worship as our heart dictates. 

Prayer Needs for Today
To find Baby Lisa Irwin 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Life of a Child

Front Yard Rose Series  © singeronthesand 2011

Who may ascend the hill of the Lord?
Who may stand in His holy place?
He who has clean hands and a pure heart…
Psalm 24:3

There are times when the human race deeply disappoints, and this is one of those times at Penn State University.  The sexual abuse scandal that has erupted there leaves me with few answers and a whole lot of questions:
  • A graduate assistant sees a naked ex-coach sexually abusing a naked child in the football locker room showers late at night and only tells the head football coach?  What about the campus police?  What about the administration?  What about calling 911?
  • The head football coach is told of this incident, and simply relates it to his superior in the sports chain and lets it go at that.  What about the police?  What about the president of the university?  What about confronting the coach in question and removing his access to the facilities?
  • The alleged perpetrator founded a charity to “help” troubled youth, and then used it as a pipeline for his sexual assaults.  How many boys would have been spared being raped if someone had done their job 10 years ago?
  • USC football was punished by the NCAA because a player’s parents were set up in a condo, but the same organization has no power to punish Penn State for allegedly concealing crimes against young boys.  Excuse me? 
It was a welcome relief this morning to read that the head coach, an icon in college football, and the president of the university were fired, effective immediately.  The life of a single child is priceless.  To sacrifice that life on the altar of college athletics is unconscionable.  To allow a man to continue having a venue for abusing other children is unforgivable.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Created in God's Image

© singeronthesand 2011

The Lord formed the man from the dust of the ground,
and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life,
and the man became a living being.
Genesis 2:7

Any time I have a chance to go to the zoo, I love to watch the apes: gorillas, chimpanzees, and especially orangutans.  They have such expressive faces and silly antics.  When I visited the Metro Richmond Zoo last week, a large orangutan had found a bright green plastic soda bottle, and was having a great time chewing on it and mangling it into a green stick.  He/she (I couldn't tell the difference) was very preoccupied with the toy, only occasionally looking up to survey the landscape.

© singeronthesand 2011

 I have never been able to buy the theory that these animals are my close cousins - that I somehow descended from them over millions of years through a process of natural selection.  My belief in the nature and formation of man is the same as the ancient  biblical writers who proclaimed:

·        By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth.  For He spoke and it was done; He commanded and it stood fast.  Psalm 33:6
·        By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.  Hebrews 11:3
·        In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.  Genesis 1:1
·        And he swore by Him who lives for ever and ever, who created the heavens and all that is in them, the earth and all that is in it, and the sea and all that is in it…  Revelation 10:6
·        He said with a loud voice, ‘Fear God and give Him glory… Worship Him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water.  Revelation 14:6

I believe that I was made by God in His image, an expression of His creative genius and His love for the human race.  He is my heavenly Father, and I acknowledge myself as His child.

© singeronthesand 2011