Monday, October 1, 2012

Changing and Changeless

For I am the Lord, I do not change. 
Malachi 3:6

When I opened the front door this morning, I was met with a blast of quite frigid air, and the spitting of grey skies trying to decide if they wanted to rain or not.  Absolutely, delighted, I trotted to my closet and pulled out a pair of jeans, a short-sleeve shirt, and a dark blue cardigan.  Don't get me wrong - I love warm weather.  But the endless humidity of August and September here in Virginia makes me long for the beginning chill of fall.  This morning, my desire for cooler weather was granted.

Change is such an interesting phenomena.  Our world, our environment, our lives are constantly changing, but human beings are not especially fond of that process.  In fact, some folk have a tremendous fear of change, pushing against anything that might rock their familiar world.  Things were very different this year at the high school where I teach.  One could hardly go two steps down the hall without hearing someone complaining about how things had changed.  My freshmen friends grumble about the difference between 8th grade and high school.  My four-years-older freshmen friends gripe about the huge gap between high school and college.  We are at the peek of the political season, which will bring change - locally if not nationally.  And every single morning, many who are older awaken with the clear knowledge of how much their bodies are changing.

Amidst the floodgates of change, how wonderful to know that we have a God in heaven who does not change - not now, not ever.  In the Old Testament, the Lord proclaims:  I am Jehovah - I am God.  I am the One who has all you need.  I will never change.  The New Testament echoes:  Jesus Christ - the same yesterday, today and forever.  No matter what changes envelope my life, I know I can cling to the One who does not, will not, and can not change.  Amen!

Special prayer needed tonight for 9-year-old Chloie and
7-year old Gage - two children missing after a fire destroyed
their home and killed their grandparents with whom they lived.

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