Saturday, October 20, 2012

Orionid Meteor Shower Tonight

The heavens declare the glory of God
and the firmament shows His handiwork.
Psalm 19:1

At some point tonight, the earth will pass through the debris trail of Haley's comet, and we will be treated to the resulting meteor shower, commonly known as the Orionid meteor shower.  You will not need a telescope, but you might need an alarm clock - depending on where you live.  Scientists expect the meteor shower to peak between 11pm Saturday to 5:00am Sunday Pacific Standard Time.  If you rise tomorrow morning a couple of hours before dawn, you have a chance to see as many as 25 meteors per hour (in the past couple of years, the showers have sometimes been as dense as 60 per hour).

NASA will be hosting a live chat tonight beginning at 11pm EDT at:  I have never seen a meteor shower, so I just might be willing to get up at 4am and see what there is to see!  

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