Monday, October 22, 2012


...and you may be sure that your sin will find you out.
Number 32:23b
When I was a kid growing up in Arizona, I was one of those children who loved to see who was featured on the Wheaties cereal box.  My guy friends used to dream of being so spectacular at sports that their grinning faces would be one of those chosen to bask on the box.  As an adolescent, I looked up to those super athletes and eagerly read all about them and their amazing feats.  We couldn't wait for Mom to get home with a new box featuring a new hero.

The openness of the world driven by technological saavy has allowed us to take a second look at some of these "heroes."  The tendency to let money and fame entice one's better judgment down a slippery slope has played out more times than we would want to see.  Michael Vick comes to mind as a sports star who deep-sixed (although kudos to him for reestablishing himself).  Mike Tyson was convicted of rape, Barry Bonds will forever be linked to steroids, and O.J. Simpson with the "did he, did he not" murder of his wife.

Today brought another superhero down a whole slew of notches, as Lance Armstrong was stripped of his seven Tour-de-France titles for the seven consecutive years between 1999-2005.  Armstrong has been accused of doping for years, and for years has maintained his innocence.  But the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency released their findings, after a long investigation, that there is "overwhelming" evidence Armstrong was involved as a professional cyclist in "the most sophisticated, professionalized and successful doping program" in sports history.
Armstrong has been a household sports icon and role model for young people for many, many years.  After overcoming cancer and establishing the Lance Armstrong Foundation, otherwise known as LiveStrong, he was an even greater legend.  But his reputation is now in tatters, his titles are gone, his sponsors have fled, and his financial problems are only beginning.  He has publicly said that he will no longer fight the charges, adding fuel to the fires of accusation.  If Mr. Armstrong is correct and he never used a banned substance, I believe he should continue to stand up for his truth.  If he has been lying all this time and the "overwhelming evidence" is true, then Mr. Armstrong owes the world a gigantic apology.

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