Tuesday, June 26, 2012

You Can't Tell Them Anything!

Central Park, NYC. Copyright 2012: singeronthesand

If you reason with an arrogant cynic,
you'll get slapped in the face;
confront bad behavior and get a kick in the shins.
So don't waste your time with a scoffer;
all you'll get for your pains is abuse.
Proverbs 9:7-8a 

Have you ever had a friend about whom you were more or less forced to say, "You can't tell them anything!"   I've had friends who acted that way, and I have had students who absolutely knew it all.

There's nothing like a teenager to put you in your place with your old-fashioned, fuddy-duddy ways that hold no relevance to the hip here and now.  I've known a number of kids for whom any input from me instantly resulted in a smirk, a quick, negative shake of the head, and the assurance that they knew exactly what they were doing.  No matter that from my perspective, they were headed for imminent disaster.  No, they wanted none of my advice, thank you very much.  I was relegated to sidelines to watch as their life went from bad to worse to complete meltdown, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

I have learned that, in such circumstances, there is no place for, "I told you so!"  That might make me feel better, but it certainly won't help the situation.  Sometimes all you can do is make it clear that you still care, and that you are still willing to help if needed.  God must feel the same way about me some times when I am insistent upon my own way.  He has grace, wisdom and peace to offer, but they won't do me any good if I am too cock-sure to turn around and humbly accept the gift.

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