Friday, August 31, 2012

A Call to Prayer

Is any one of you sick? 
He should call the elders of the church to pray over him 
and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord.
James 5:14
I am asking for prayer this evening for a pastoral couple, Pastor and Mrs. Cook, who were involved in a head-on collision at noon today while on vacation.  Mrs. Cook suffered severe internal injuries to her liver, spleen, lungs, diaphragm and intestines.  She has been through surgery and is in stable condition.  Pastor Cook has a broken leg and a fractured hip and pelvis.  He is in surgery as I write this.

Pastor Cook has served the United Methodist Church for many years as a pastor, and when he retired, he founded the Friends of Barnabas to assist the poor in Haiti.  He and his wife have been tireless workers for the Lord, and are in need of your prayers this evening.  There was another couple in the car who sustained various injuries and broken bones as well.  

Thank you for lifting up these fellow Christians in your prayers.  God has promised to be with them, and we claim that promise for them in His name.

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