Saturday, August 18, 2012

Prayers for Hannah

New York Botanical Gardens, Bronx, NY   Copyright 2012: singeronthesand

Without warning your life can be turned upside-down,
and who knows how or when it might happen?
Proverbs 24:22
Hannah Rinehart had battled cancer for years, had two bone marrow transplants, and was declared cancer-free seven years ago.  She held the position of patient care technician at a hospital in Georgia, and life was wonderful until July 3, when she was hospitalized with a high fever.  Eventually it was determined that she had contracted a rare bacterial infection from the saliva of the family puppy.  As her condition worsened, doctors placed her in a medically-induced coma, and removed both hands and both feet in an effort to stem the tide of the infection.

Her husband, Mark, is a school teacher, and has rarely left her side this summer as she battles for her life.  With the fall school start-up date just a couple of weeks away, Mark's fellow Gwinnett County teachers told the school board last Thursday night that school employees want to donate their personal time off (PTO) hours to Rinehart so that he can get more time off with pay and devote his days to caring for his wife.  Mark was overwhelmed by the love and support of his fellow teachers in their offer of this very precious gift of time.

Unfortunately, the school board has denied the request saying that it is against state policy to grant it; the teachers, however, are continuing to advocate for the right to give their personal time to Rinehart.  For his part, Mark is asking for prayer for his wife.  He is a strong believer in the power of prayer, and said, "I'm just grateful to anyone who is offering their prayers.  That means the world to me and Hannah."
Please join me in praying for this young couple - healing for Hannah, strength and peace for Mark.

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