Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Don't Just Yak

Copyright 2012: singeronthesand
 Like billowing clouds that bring no rain
is the person who talks big but never produces.
Proverbs 25:15
Billowing clouds that bring no rain perfectly describes the skies in my corner of Virginia.  We will get a fantastic forecast of drenching rains and possible thunderstorms.  I can sit on the front porch and watch the lightning.  You can hear the rumbling thunder all over the house.  But rain?  That is entirely a different kettle of fish!
The wind can be blowing, the lightning striking the earth, the thunder booming louder and closer, but it will not come near my little patch of ground in N. Chesterfield, Virginia.  The other day, I was out in Short Pump (west of Richmond), and it began to absolutely pour!!  Heavy, drenching, soaking rain.  As I drove home, it seemed that every exit I came to, the rain lessened a little more and a little more.  At the exit just before mine, it wasn't raining at all.  And sure enough - when I got home and asked how much rain we received, the reaction was,  "what rain"?  My father would say that the sky was, "All talk and no do."
There are few things in life as irritating as someone who says, "Don't worry about that!  I'll do it!" and then doesn't.  People have such big plans - such grandiose schemes,  and they  talk and talk about what they are going to do, and then do absolutely nothing.  Far better to quietly go about your business, make a smart plan, hand everything over to God, and follow up your words with a little action! 

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