Monday, September 17, 2012

Kittie Meets the Giant

A giant nearly ten feet tall stepped out from the 
Philistine line into the open - Goliath from Gath.
He had abronze helmet on his head and was dressed
in armor - 126 pounds of it!  He wore bronze shin 
guards and carried a bronze spear.  His spear was
like a fence rail - the spear tip alone weighed over
fifteen pounds.  His shield bearer walked ahead of him.
1 Samuel 17:4-6

 I love the photo above.  It reminds me of one of my favorite Bible stories - David vs. the giant Goliath.  The Cliff Notes version:  a young man named David went to the battlefield to visit his brothers and take them supplies.  When he arrived, a huge giant came out and challenged Israel to send out a champion - one individual - to fight him.  David went to King Saul and volunteered.  At first the king said, NO - TOO YOUNG!  Then he said, MAYBE - TOO GREEN!  Finally the king said, OK, but wear my armor.  Suffice it to say that the armor didn't fit the kid, so David shook it off, grabbed his slingshot and "five smooth stones" and went out to see what the giant was yelling about.  When Goliath mocked both David and God, and then came forward to kill him, David let fly with a stone that embedded itself in Goliath's forehead, and he tumbled to the ground.  David took the giant's massive sword and cut off his massive head, and that was the end of that.

I think the moose above is simply curious.  I have no idea what in the world the cat is thinking.  I'm fairly certain that the kittie had no intention of trying to bring down the moose, and I certainly hope that crazy little feline escaped unharmed from its encounter with the giant.  It is always scary business to face the giants of our fears, worries and problems.  If you have Goliaths to face today, turn to the One who is eager to help you cut those huge problems down to a manageable size. 

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