Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Core of Christianity

For God so loved the world that He gave...
John 3:16
Much of the statement I posted yesterday from the God is Imaginary website is actually true:
  • God does love us deeply
  • God does love us from the moment of conception--He "knew" us in the womb (Jeremiah 1:5)
  • God will love us for eternity (Hebrews 13:8; Psalm 48:14)
  • Jesus did die for us on the cross of Calvary, because He loved us (John 3:16)
  • Jesus does want to have a close relationship with us (John 10:28)
  • Jesus does answer every prayer.  That being said, He does not, however, always say "yes."  Like every good parent, God knows that there are things we ask for that we should not have (James 4:3), because they are not good for us or will harm us.  At that point - God says "no."  There are other times when it is not the right time in our lives for what we ask for, and the answer is "wait."
The last portion of the statement is the problematic portion.
  •  Does Jesus demand that we fall down on our knees and worship?  The angels of Revelation come with an "Eternal Message" to the world.  They give three commands (subject understood):
(You)/fear God
(You)/give God glory
(You)/ worship the Creator - the Maker of heaven and earth
  • Jesus' use of the imagery of "drinking my blood and eating by flesh" freaked out the people of His times as well (John 6).  Some of His followers were so grossed out that they turned away from Him and did not follow Christ any more (John 6:60-61; 66).  He was not speaking literally, but was likening Himself to the manna that fell in the wilderness and sustained the Israelites on their wandering journey.  Christ is (figuratively) our daily bread - our daily strength.
  • The last part - about eternally burning in hell if you do not do what Jesus wants, is not a concern to me because I am not a believer in the torture of sinners for ever and ever into eternity.  I do believe that there will be a point where sin and sinners will be destroyed, but I do not subscribe to lingering eternal torture.  When the point comes that God puts aside those who do not believe in Him (nor want to have anything to do with Him), that will NOT happen because God wants it that way, but because He is honoring the choice of every individual who has the right to accept Christ or reject Him.  Do I want Christ in my life or do I want Him to go away and leave me alone.  Whatever we choose, God will honor that choice - with all the ensuing consequences.
What do I believe to be the core of the Gospel - the core of Jesus' teaching?  I think the apostle John says it best:
God loved the world - each and every person
God gave His son, Jesus Christ to die in our place
If I believe, I will not die for eternity
If I believe, I will live for eternity.

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