Saturday, July 30, 2011


 ...there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Proverbs 18:24

Yesterday was the last day of work for the administrative assistant at the church.  Ms.B is a wonderful woman who has retired several times, only to take another job.  She has been at the church for six years and has now retired again; this time, however, her husband has also retired, so she has no intention of taking another position.  They are off to new adventures – Florida, Europe, and wherever else their lives take them.

We decided to have a small, informal party on her last day.  There was nothing for her to do work-wise except answer the phone, so we sat and gabbed and ate and gabbed some more.  Fudge pie, toffee bars, a cheese ball and crackers, grapes, Colby cheese and Ritz crackers, Doritos, lemonade – all the carbohydrates you could ever want!  As we walked her out to the car for the last time, the associate pastor remarked that the morning had been more of a cross between a party and a wake.  We will miss her terribly, but we are also joyful for this new direction that will bring her and her husband even closer together.

The secretary previous to Ms. B is good friend of mine that I see as often as our busy schedules permit.  I have every intention of keeping my friendship with Ms. B alive and well.  We already have three dates on the calendar for various activities.  Friendships are a great deal like the flowers in my garden:  they must be nurtured and cared for in order for them to thrive. Give a friend a call today.  Your day, and theirs, will be brighter for the effort.

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