Tuesday, July 12, 2011

One Tin Soldier

A greedy man brings trouble to his family…
Proverbs 15:27

Greed.  Even the word is distasteful.  Webster’s says that greed is excessive desire for getting or having – especially wealth; desire for more than one needs or deserves.  In our society, greed is “Let me get rich while taking advantage of you!”  No one really likes greedy people – except other greedy people, perhaps.

A local company came by recently to talk about insulating the attic.  Since there is almost no insulation in mine, I was willing to listen to their pitch regarding reflective insulation.  At the end of an hour, I decided it was time to cut to the chase.  $4500 to insulate the attic of my little brick rancher.  I could not believe my ears.  But wait!!  If I sign on the dotted line today – I can have it for $3900.  [sigh]  Let me get back to you on that!  While I am writing this, a crew from a different company is blowing in R38 insulation for less than a third of that discounted “great price”. Different insulation?  Yes.  What I actually need?  Also, Yes.  Do I feel that the other company looked at me and thought, “She’ll never know the difference on cost!”  Absolutely.

The song I chose for today is an old one, but definitely worth sharing! It tells the story of a people on the mountain top with the legend of a treasure, and the valley people down below who were determined to have it at any cost.  The mountain people were willing to share; the valley people only wanted to take.

Sharing is one of the greatest blessings on earth.  Being able to enrich someone else's life in a meaningful way gives such a feeling of joy and peace.  We do not have to make huge gestures – small, seemingly insignificant actions can bring enormous pleasure to the lives we touch.  Reach out and share a blessing today.

 Day 10 of Prayers for West Africa
For continued safety and effective auditing.

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