Friday, October 14, 2011

All Things New

And He that sat upon the throne said,
“Behold, I make all things new.”
Revelation 21:5

Some time next week, a contractor friend of mine will be coming to my home with his crew to tear out my main bathroom down to the studs and cement floor.  Everything is going, including the old black and white ceramic tile wainscoting.  The reason for this expense?  Black mold that has formed on the walls behind the old plastic shower enclosure.  Mold of any kind is the source of my worst allergy, and I certainly don’t need black mold in the bathroom.

This afternoon I will be visiting several home improvement supply stores to choose everything that will go into the new bathroom: a new toilet that will actually work correctly, lights, fans, cabinet and sink, towel bars, flooring – the whole shebang.  I have never had the opportunity to start from scratch and choose exactly what I want for my living space – to create something that bears my creative signature.  It is a task I will thoroughly enjoy fulfilling.

In Revelation, God gave the apostle John a glimpse into the future when He would create a new heaven and a new earth, for “the first heaven and the first earth had passed away…”  He who sits on the throne proclaims, “I am making all things new.”  The creative genius that was so beautifully displayed when this world was originally spoken into existence has almost been destroyed by the “progress” of man.  This old earth groans with failing infrastructure, global warming, acid rain, pollution of air, land and water, etc. When Christ returns, however, He will make “…all things new.”   I cannot imagine anything more thrilling than that!

Today’s Prayer Needs
94-year-old John recovering from a heart stint procedure
An elderly parishioner placed on hospice
The families of the individuals killed in Seal Beach

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