Saturday, October 15, 2011

I Hate Colds

Beloved, I wish above all things that you may
prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers.
3 John 1:2

I absolutely hate catching a cold.  Winter, spring, summer, fall – there is no good season for coming down with a garden-variety sniffle.  Last night was a miserable night – waking up every couple of hours with a dry hacking cough and stuffy nose – desperate for a drink of water and a kleenex.  I slept in late this morning, but it was clear from the time I finally stumbled out of bed that my normal Sabbath day of rest will truly be a day of relaxation and sleep. I don't feel well enough to do anything else!

I don’t get sick very often, and this cold is mild by anyone’s standards, but when I do come down ill, it wistfully reminds me of God’s promises in Revelation that there is coming a day when sickness, pain, grief and death will all be a distant past memory.  Nothing like that will mar the tranquility and beauty of heaven or the new earth.  There are many reasons why I want to go to heaven, but today, not catching a cold is at the top of my list!

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