Sunday, December 16, 2012

There Were Shepherds...

And there were shepherds living out in the fields
nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night.
An angel of the Lord appeared to them...
Luke 2:8-9a
In the hills above the town of Bethlehem, shepherds were bedding down their sheep for the night.  Some of the flocks would be inside their protective enclosures, others would be out in the open air with the shepherd close by.  The night must have been clear because the stars were visible in the sky.  The men and boys who were protecting the flocks expected another calm, peaceful night.  After all, nothing happened in Bethlehem.

The fellas who were out there on those hills did not have college degrees - probably not even the bare rudiments of an education.  They were common peasant folk - trustworthy, responsible, loyal.  The last thing in the world they expected was for the night sky to turn as bright as mid-day with a radiance unlike anything they had ever seen.  Floods of light poured over the Judean hills as angel messengers prepared for the most spectacular announcement of all time.

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