Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving Thanks

Show favor to me, O Lord, for my strength fails; 
Lord, heal me, for my body is racked with pain.  
Psalm 6:2

My three friends, to whom this spiritual journey is dedicated, are certainly poster children for this Bible verse.  One is recuperating from a triple bypass on a weakened heart; one is just beginning the fight against auto-immune hepatitis; and the third has had a stem cell transplant to battle non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Each man’s strength has failed.  Each one has experienced intense pain - yesterday was no picnic for Ben in particular.  If ever there was a trio of gentlemen who need the touch of the Master’s hand, it is these three.

If you had the opportunity to sit down with them today, however, to converse about their individual illnesses/outlooks, you would not hear an overwhelming litany of aches, pains or defeats.  You would, in fact, be treated to a list of blessings – the victories, both small and great, that have uplifted them throughout their journey.  They would thank you for your prayers, inquire after what was happening in your life, and let you know what a blessing you have been to them.

Today is Thanksgiving Day, a time for reflection on the blessings that our Father has provided for us.  As you converse with God today, please remember to pray for Alan, Ben and Tom.  Your prayers are the greatest blessing you can give them.

Give thanks with a grateful heart, give thanks to the Holy One
Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son.
And now, let the weak say, “I am strong,” 
Let the poor say, “I am rich
Because of what the Lord has done for us.”  
 Give thanks.

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