Saturday, September 10, 2011


Smoky Rose.  #2 of Russet Rose Series

Honor thy father and thy mother,
That thy days may be long upon the land
That the Lord thy God giveth thee.
Exodus 20:12

Honor (än´ər) v. [[ME honour]]
To respect greatly; regard highly; esteem
To show great respect or high regard for;
Treat with deference and courtesy

I did not have to tell the children that this commandment was based at the very heart on the word we had chosen for all the commandments:  RESPECT.  They volunteered this information straight off the bat.  My question to them?  How do you do that?  How do you respect your parents?  These were their answers:

Do what they ask you to do.
Don’t talk back.
Don’t laugh at them.
Don’t disobey them.
Listen to their advice.
Come when they call you.
Don’t give them a hard time.
Watch your mouth!
Remember their birthday.
Be nice!

Parents spend almost every waking hour endeavoring to make their children’s lives a little easier – nicer – brighter – happier.  I challenged the children to take at least a few minutes a day to do something that will make their parents’ lives a little easier – nicer – brighter – happier. 

I will love my Mom and Dad and honor them forever.
That’s what God wants me to do,
That’s what God wants me to do,
That’s what God wants me to do
And I am His child.
[Sung to the tune Bingo]

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