Tuesday, September 6, 2011

No Other Gods

Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.
Exodus 20:3

When my young S.S. charges and I began our conversation about the first commandment, I asked why God would ask for total allegiance to Himself.  Most of the answers consisted of, “Well, because He is God.”  I then asked, “Isn’t that kind of arrogant of God to demand our loyalty to Him alone?  Doesn’t that kind of make Him a pompous jerk?”  Fifteen sets of startled eyes looked up at me.  God?  A jerk?

One set of big brown eyes stared at the carpet for a few seconds, then looked up and said, “No – He can do that because He created me and everything around me.”  From the mouth of a second grader to the heart of the issue:  We worship God and God alone because He is the Creator.  By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth. For He spake, and it was done, He commanded and it stood fast.” [Psalm 33:6,9]

In one of the last clarion calls given in the book of Revelation, the first of three mighty angels cries out to the world:
Fear [honor] God and give Him glory,
For the hour of His judgment is come;
And worship Him who made heaven and earth,
the sea, and the fountains of waters.
Revelation 14:7

Respect for our Creator is at the heart of the first four commandments. He who gave us life requests our love, loyalty and esteem.  The choice is up to us.

I will worship God alone, for He is the Creator.
That’s what God wants me to do,
That’s what God wants me to do,
That’s what God wants me to do,
And I am His child.
[Sung to the tune Bingo]

Prayer Needs for Today
For all those suffering with cancer, diabetes or heart disease.
To make right and true decisions today
For Jim, Pam and the boys getting settled into a temporary home.

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