Sunday, February 13, 2011

Portrait of Love

I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Your works are wonderful; I know that full well.
Psalm 139:14 [NIV] 

God paints the picture of my life
Who I am, created by His hand
It seems years have come to pass
And every stroke was surely planned.

But still, I wonder who I am 
The portrait unfinished, maybe so
Colors bright will make me smile
Dark and faded colors bring me low.

God paints the picture of my life
Every day an unexpected change
Only He knows who I am
His brush will always rearrange.

When will He add the final touch?
Time is flying faster and faster
A Holy hand holds the brush
The Artist is my faithful Master.

Now at last, the work complete
The portrait done for all to see
His hand created who I am
With unfailing love, He painted me.

~Kathleen Higham

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