Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Wedding - Part II

At midnight, there was a cry, “Behold, the bridegroom!  
Come out to meet him.”
Matthew 25:6

A parable is a story of common things used to teach great truth.  In the case of Jesus’ parables, the stories were of ordinary everyday happenings used to teach spiritual values.  As we look at the parable of the 10 virgins, I would like to divide our thoughts into two sections:  how the 10 women were alike, and how they were different.

How they were alike
  • All of the girls were virgins.  Virginity is a sign of purity – in this case spiritual purity.  All of these women were God’s children. They were all believers.
  • All of the girls had lamps.  Jesus is the Light of the World [John 8:12].  God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path [Psalm 119:105].  All of these women had the light of God with them in their journey.
  • All of the girls fell asleep.  The meaning of this parable is not about watchfulness, because all of the bridesmaids fell asleep while waiting for their Lord. 
How they were different
  • Five were deemed wise and five were deemed foolish
  • The foolish ones came with filled lamps only.  The wise ones came with filled lamps and extra oil.
If the entire group of women were believers, had the light of God and His Word in their lives, and were all weary of waiting for the coming of their Lord, then the only thing that separated them—into wise and foolish—was the presence [or absence] of extra oil.                      

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