Thursday, October 20, 2011

Me First!

Conservatory Orchid,  Ginter Botanical Gardens, Richmond, VA

So the last will be first and the first will be last.
Matthew 20:16

…and the interstate’s jammed with gunners like me,
afraid of coming in last.
Keith Urban, Days go By

The other day I was driving in the middle lane of the Powhite Parkway, and came up behind a gold SUV who was driving behind a black SUV.  Black was not doing the speed limit, so Gold moved over into the fast lane in order to go around.  The minute Gold got into the new lane, Black sped up.  At this point, both cars are traveling at about two miles per hour over the speed limit, side by side, completely blocking the left two lanes.  Gold was not willing to go faster to get around, and Black was determined not to let Gold get ahead.

Black finally accelerated enough to pull ahead of Gold, which enabled me to pass Gold as well.  As soon as we were both ahead of Gold, Black began to slow down again.  I moved into the left lane in front of Gold, and Black immediately sped up.  I moved forward without regard to Black, however, and as I pulled away, Black began to slow again, and finally returned to the below-the-speed limit pace that the driver wanted to go.

I don’t know how many times I have watched this scenario on the highway.  I come up behind a slower driver, move to an adjacent lane to go around, and the driver suddenly speeds up, unwilling to “lose” the contest.  It isn’t that the other driver wants to go the faster speed, it is simply that they don’t want another driver to pass them.  I was not surprised to discover that the two drivers involved were women; many times they are far more aggressive behind the wheel than men.

The “Me First” syndrome permeates every spectrum of society at every level, and crops up in every human being without respect to race, gender or culture.  Everything seems to be predicated on winners and losers.  Jesus said that life has nothing to do with winning or losing, but graciously allowing others to go first.  Wouldn’t that be a novel concept on the highway!

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