Monday, October 24, 2011

Mr. Holland's Series

Ginter Botanical Gardens, Richmond, VA

Whatever your hand finds to do,
do it with all your might…
Ecclesiastes 9:10

I left work last night at 7:00pm, exhausted and in pain with an IT band flare-up.  As much as I didn’t want to bother, there were bills to pay that occupied the next hour or so.  When that chore was finished, I decided to watch a little TV.  Specifically, I wanted to see which series would be showing for Masterpiece Theater on public television.  It was not quite time for that show, however, so I channel-surfed until I came to the World Series.

I am not a huge baseball fan, but I do enjoy watching the game.  I had no idea who was playing in the series, or which game it was [Game 4, I discovered].  From the discussion by the commentators, it immediately became apparent that Game 3 had been a total blowout, with the Cardinals wiping the Rangers off the map. I fully intended to switch channels just as soon as it was time for Masterpiece Theater, but somehow that never happened.  Why not?  Because I became totally fascinated by the kid with the peach fuzz mustache who graced the pitcher’s mound for the Rangers.

Derek Holland didn’t look old enough to be on the pitcher’s mound, and previous outings there had left many thinking that he was not good enough either.  After the 16-run Cardinal love fest the previous game, you would think that any Rangers pitcher would be quaking in his Reeboks.  Not this kid.  I love watching a left-handed pitcher, and last night, Holland was the best leftie in the business, holding the Cardinals scoreless for 8⅓ innings.  Did he suddenly grow-up last night as a ballplayer?  I have no idea, but I do know that Derek Holland wanted the win last night more than anything else in the world, and he fought with courage, skill and sheer determination until it was his.  Here’s to you, kid! 

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