Monday, April 9, 2012

Asking for Help

Copyright 2012: singeronthesand

If you don't know what you are doing,
pray to the Father.  He loves to help.
You'll get His help and won't be condescended to
when you ask for it.  Ask boldly, believingly,
without a second thought.
James 1:5-6

I was recently trolling Internet sites, and came across the following statement on a web page that was a study on prayer:
 ...those who never seem to have their prayers answered 
probably don't have a relationship with Him. 
Further, they have never received from God
 complete forgiveness for their sin. 

I must confess that this statement made me a bit angry, for it smacked of the kind of "God" that I had pushed down my throat during my childhood.  That "God" turns a tin ear to anyone who doesn't walk the straight and narrow, who doesn't follow all of the commandments, who doesn't cross their t's and dot their i's just perfectly.  After all, God has no time for the slacker, no concern for their needs, no attention to their cries for help.  My answer to this in one word?  Baloney! 

Now, before you relegate me to the back of the pack, I am not saying that you can do anything you want with your life and then call upon God in an emergency and expect Him to work miracles.  That being said, I do believe that even in that circumstance God hears you.  After all, "...while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."  If He gave up His life for those steeped in sin, surely He will give His ear to the cries of all humanity, believers and unbelievers alike.

I personally believe that there is not a prayer, anywhere in the world, that goes "unanswered."  However - not all answers are "yes."  There is also the answer of "no," and the answer of "wait."  Perhaps the reason so many prayers go "unanswered" is because we are not asking for things that would be good for us.  This reminds me of the country song, "Some of God's Greatest Gifts are Unanswered Prayers."  The singer tells the story of going to his high school reunion with his wife, and running into his old flame that he so desperately wanted to marry.  His prayers to God for that to happen went "unanswered," and now he realized how fortunate he was.  God said "wait," and he ended up with a much better match.   

Whatever happens in my life, I talk to God about it.  I ask Him for things and then leave it up to His far better judgment.  Sure, there are times when I don't like the fact that I don't get what I want, but over the years, I have to admit that He has never steered me wrong.


1 comment:

  1. Amen sister! I know that God intervened in my life before I ever knew Him. Praise Him that He didn't and doesn't wait until we achieve some level of deservedness before He interacts with us. Because of course we can never attain any level of "good enough". That's why we need Him and His sacrifice. That's the whole point of the gospel good news: He supplies everything we need even though we don't and never will deserve it. He paid the price for our hope and salvation and has bridged the gap between us so that we can be with Him. And He seems to love interacting with us!
