Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Repeating History

Copyright 2012: singeronthesand

What has happened is that some people have infiltrated
our ranks, who beneath their pious skins are shameless scoundrels.
Puffs of smoke pushed by gusts of wind,
late autumn trees stripped clean of leaf and fruit;
Doubly dead, pulled up by the roots;
Wild ocean waves leaving nothing on the beach
but the foam of their shame;
Lost stars in outer space on their way to the black hole.
Jude 4,12b-13

Jude's letter to a group of Christians of the early church is filled with warnings regarding those who claimed to be Christians, yet practiced sexual immorality, making "... a religion of their own whims and lusts."  Unfortunately, the history of the church from then to now has been littered with the sexual sins of both leaders and congregants.

Yesterday, a visiting pastor here in Chesterfield County was arrested for soliciting sex from a juvenile female over the phone after worship services in February.  In March, the pastor of one of the oldest churches in the south was arrested for trying to arrange sex with a minor - a girl who he met online.  Both churches involved are shocked beyond measure, and many are trying to reserve judgment until all the facts are presented at trial.

Too often in the church, we lift the pastor up on a white pedestal, deeming them above sin or reproach, and expecting perfection of character and leadership.  This attitude does a tremendous disservice to both pastor and people, for every single person on this earth, regardless of power or position, is simply a fallible human being - no more and no less.   The pastor is as susceptible to temptation as I am, with far more pressure than I have to cope with.  When a preacher falls, we are shocked and horrified.  Deep down inside, we are also fearful - for if it can happen to them, it can certainly happen to us.

At the end of his letter, Jude turns us to the grace and strength of God, "...who can keep you on your feet, standing tall in His bright presence, fresh and celebrating..."  Say a prayer for your pastor today, and do everything in your power to strengthen and encourage them. 

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