Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

 Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord;
The fruit of the womb is a reward.
Psalm 127:3

A couple of weeks ago, my middle daughter called and asked me what I was going to be doing on Monday of this last week.  She wanted to come down from Washington, D.C., take me to an early Mother’s Day lunch.  I was thrilled at her thoughtfulness, and we had a great time together.  On Thursday, my youngest daughter called to advise me that she was coming down from D.C. to take me to dinner today.  Then yesterday, while working in the house, I passed by the front door and realized that there was a ProFlowers box sitting on my front porch.  Inside were lilies, chocolate and shower gel, along with a note from my oldest daughter in New York.  What wonderful Mother’s Day gifts I have received!

My three girls [all in their mid 20’s] and I have had the normal ups-and-downs of every mother and daughter, as well as a few "downs" that many parent/child relationships do not experience.  Through it all, we have leaned on each other, learned from each other, offered advice [and criticism!], had quarrels and spats, done our share of crying and laughing, and have come out of the cauldron of life as friends. I could not be more grateful. It is difficult for me to look back on the mistakes I made, and acknowledge the many, many things I did wrong.  There are so many moments I wish I could do over.  At the same time, I am the mother of three gorgeous, independent, women of high moral character who are succeeding in life in spite of my parental flaws. A mother could not ask for more.

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