Monday, May 30, 2011

Poor in Spirit

Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. [NKJV; NIV]

How happy are those who know their need for God,
for the kingdom of heaven is theirs. [Phillips]

You’re blessed when you are at the end of your rope.
With less of you, there is more of God and His rule. [Message}
Matthew 5:3

Blessed - Greek: makariŏs
Supremely blessed, fortunate, well off, happy

The eight Beatitudes, or Blessings, that form the beginning of the teachings of Jesus entitled, The Sermon on the Mount, are found in the fifth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew.  Jesus was out walking, realized that a vast crowd was following Him, and went up a hillside to sit and talk with them.  He began His instruction with a list of eight ways that his audience would be makariŏs.

Knowing exactly who you are in this world is a great blessing for anyone.  There are many people who have to be in control of every situation in their life. Now I am not suggesting that controlling your destiny is not necessary or not good.  But in truth, there are many things in life we cannot control.  There are situations that are beyond our ability to grasp onto and hold.  We cannot see the end from the beginning.  Often we can not see what is right in front of our face. 

We cannot change who we are, we cannot get rid of our mistakes, we cannot control those around us.  Most importantly, we cannot save ourselves.  We need Someone higher and greater than ourselves.  Who better than the Creator of the Universe – the One who spoke us into existence, who knows the number of hairs on our head, who loves us as no other can.  We are blessed when we know that we are, now and forever, children of God.

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