Friday, May 6, 2011

The Stress-less Life

Better a dry crust with peace and quiet
than a house full of feasting with strife.
Proverbs 17:1

Solomon was a very wise man; clear back in ancient times, he recognized the indisputable fact that the human body does not deal well with pressure.  I’m sure the buzzword of daily “stress” wasn’t as universal as it is today, but the core of truth was still there:  peace and quiet beats tension and worry hands down! 

Too many of us are caught up in the rat race of daily living:  Gotta work so I can have the cash to pay the bills.  Golden rule: He who has the gold makes the rules.  Gotta hurry because going slow will never get you anywhere.  The early bird gets the worm.  Gotta beat the Smiths to the brass ring. Winning is the only things that counts.  Gotta make sure you have the best life has to offer.  Looking out
for #1. 

Solomon is calling for us to stop, look and listen.  What is really important in life?  People – not things.  What is more important than our sanity and our health?  Nothing.  If we drive ourselves into the grave, who will have all our “things” then?  Is the strain of our high-octane society really worth it?  Having the latest and greatest thing?  Or having peace and tranquility?  I know what has my vote!

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