Thursday, February 23, 2012

Keeping a Firm Grip

Keep a cool head.  Stay alert.  The Devil is poised to pounce,
and would like nothing better than to catch you napping.
Keep your guard up...keep a firm grip on your faith.
1 Peter 5:8-9a

This morning I received a call from one of my daughters - in complete despair.  Through quiet, swallowed sobs, she stated that she was not going to be able to continue in graduate school - she just "couldn't do it."  She had a test in one class on Monday that was supposed to be over Chapters 1-4.  The test also included Chapter 5, which she hadn't studied for.  She just "knew" she had failed.  When she went to the test today in her other class, there was a note at the top that all computations must be done "by hand."  Unfortunately, how to do it by hand was not covered in the class lectures or notes.  Again, she was sure she had "failed."  I spent a few moments reassuring her that she could indeed "do it."  She called back a short time later sounding much relieved.  She had just received her grade for the first test and she scored an 89 - hardly a failing grade.

This afternoon I received a call from one of my students who was due at my house any moment for a music lesson.  She was sobbing so hard I couldn't make out a thing she was saying.  When I was finally able to calm her down, I discovered that all of her responsibilities and pressures had descended on her head at one moment, and she just "couldn't do it anymore."  We spent a few moments discussing the fact that she could do whatever she needed to, as long as she started to manage her time a little better by not letting a pushy employer run straight over the top of her, dumping bucket-loads of stress and guilt on the way.  There really are times when you just don't need to answer your cell phone!!

The devil loves to throw mountains of discouragement and despair on all of us - choosing just the right time when we are most vulnerable.  Hanging on to your faith and your belief in yourself can be tough when everything seems to descend on us at once.  A few short moments conversing with the One who watches over us every second of the day should suffice to get us up and running again.  Cast all your cares on Him, because He cares for you. 

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