Friday, December 10, 2010

Isaiah, Jeremiah, Zachariah: The BRANCH

And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jessie, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots.  And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.  Isaiah 11:1-2 [KJV]

I really like to garden, especially container gardening.  I love flowers of all kinds, and try to keep pots of something growing year around.  I was browsing my favorite nursery in November, taking advantage of the end of season sales, when I spotted a big begonia plant bursting with coral blooms.  Shiny dark green foliage fanned out two feet high by four feet across.  We are talking about a HUGE begonia plant, and the sign said: Final Sale/$10. Ten dollars??  Needless to say, the plant went home with me and found a premiere place in my living room to spread its wings.

The next morning, however, I was saddened to see that a small portion of my new beauty was wilted – dead, actually.  Either the trip home in the car or the presence of two curious cats separated a begonia branch from the main stem.  The result was immediate death.

The Bible uses the agrarian concepts of stem, branch and root as a picture lesson in connectivity.  In the Old Testament, the coming Messiah is called the BRANCH, as well as the stem of Jessie and the root of Jesse. When Jesus walked the paths of this earth, He portrayed Himself as the Vine; we [His children] are the branches.  Each section is connected together into a complete plant.  Each segment imparts elements necessary to the life of the whole.  The same is true for the Christian.  The depth of our faith experience depends on our connection with Jesus Christ.  God alone provides the spiritual nourishment, strength and support that enable us to be a thriving bloom in the garden of the Lord.

Like a branch is to the vine,
So Your life's alive in mine.
Oh, let Your glory shine!

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