Monday, December 6, 2010

Psalms: The King of Glory

Lift up your heads, O gates, and be lifted up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in!  Who is the King of glory?  The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.
Psalm 24:7-8 [NASB]

Prince William of England is finally getting married!!  He is officially engaged to his long-time, off-and-on girlfriend Kate Middleton.  The media were whipped into a frenzy by the engagement announcement, and the sight of his mother Diana’s engagement ring on Kate’s finger.  Whole websites and endless gossip columns are dedicated to who’s planning the wedding, where will the ceremony take place (Westminster Abby), has the date been set (April 29, 2011), what will the bride wear, what did the Queen say, and on and on.  Paparazzi will be falling over each other endeavoring to take the most spectacular photo of the bride, the groom, or both.  No one is paying any attention to Prince Charles at all – the man who is actually in line to become the next sovereign of England.

We are entering the annual season when many of the peoples of earth briefly acknowledge the baby King born in Bethlehem.  For much of the world, however, if He is anything at all, it is no more than a symbolic baby, a tiny porcelain doll in the family creche.  There are no lines of shoppers queuing with their children to sit on the lap of the King of the Universe.  The must-have toy this year is not a likeness of a swaddled Christ child. 

In contrast, King David’s song in Psalm 24 sets the scene for the triumphant return of Christ to the Father after His short life and redeeming death on earth.  The angels line the corridors of heaven, calling to the gatekeepers, “The King of glory has come.  Let Him in!”  The gatekeepers answer back – “Who is the King of glory?”  The return answer declares: “The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory!”  The Creator of the universe, the anointed Messiah, the risen Lord, He is, indeed, the King of glory!  I pray that He is also the King of our hearts.  

In His glory, I shall see the King,
And forever endless praises sing.
`Twas on Calvary Jesus died for me.
I shall see the King someday.

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