Wednesday, December 15, 2010

John: The Word

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.   John 1:1-3 [NAS]

John begins his gospel account with the astounding introduction of The Word.  We learn four facts about this “Word” in the very first moments of communication:
  • The Word was in the beginning of all time
  • The Word was with God
  • The Word was God
  • The Word is the Creator of all things
Isn’t it fascinating that “The Word” was the creative force that “spoke” everything into existence?  The Psalmist proclaimed: By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and by the breath of His mouth all their host.  For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast.  Psalm 33:6,9 [NAS]

How I wish I could somehow have been there – a tiny speck of cosmic dust, able to watch the amazing transformation of blackness and void into a fully functioning universe.  What overwhelming joy that must have brought the Word. 

I am an amateur photographer, someone who is still very much in the process of learning my craft.  I love to go out on a photo shoot.  A year or so ago I went with my dear friend Pat to a botanical garden near her home in North Carolina, camera in tow.  The experience was amazing.  Around every corner, in every nook and cranny, was a butterfly, a flower, a water fountain – I took over 300 photos that day.  The experience itself was exhilarating, but the real joy came when I processed the pictures.  There were plenty of “oo’s and ah’s” while we were in the garden admiring God’s creation, but for me as a photographer, finding a particularly spectacular shot among the hundreds taken was a cause for great celebration.  Look at that!!  I can’t believe I did that!

As the Word spoke the words of creation, however, building up layer by layer the awesome beauty that flooded from His mind, His motivation was not for His own satisfaction.  He was not, like me, triumphant that this shimmering world reflected His talent, His power, His creative imagination.  No, the grin on His face that day was for you… for me… for all the children who would romp and play in their beautiful new home.  The words of creation came from the depths of His heart—a heart overflowing with unconditional love.

Love is born! Come share in the wonder;
Love is God now asleep in the hay.
See the glow in the eyes of His mother;
What is the name her heart is saying?
Love is the name she whispers... Love. 

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