Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Luke: Jesus

Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And now, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you will name him Jesus.  Luke 1:30-31 [NRSV]

The name “Jesus” is the Latin form of the Hebrew Yeshûá, which is a form of Yehôshuá, “Joshua,” meaning “Yahweh [God] is salvation.”  Jesus was a common name in Bible times, and is a contemporary given-name today, particularly in the Hispanic culture - Jesús.  Even though “Jehovah is salvation” is the meaning of the name “Joshua,” it was one of the top ten American names given to male infants from 1994-2008.

It is interesting that God gave a common name to a peasant baby born in a crude animal shelter beside a small country inn in a little village out in the middle of nowhere.  Not exactly the way the world would expect royalty to arrive!

How should a King come?
Even a child knows the answer of course:
In a coach of gold with a pure white horse.
In the beautiful city in the prime of the day,
And the trumpets should cry and the crowds make way.
And the flags fly high in the morning sun,
And the people all cheer for the sovereign one.
And everyone knows that’s the way that it’s done.
That’s the way that a King should come

God had no interest in placing this baby among the rich and famous, the wealthy and elite.  They would have no need of Him.  No, this most uncommon Child with the common name was given to the common people.  He was, is, and forever will be our Savior.  

On a star filled night into Bethlehem
Rode a weary woman and a worried man.
And the only sound in the cobblestone street,
Was the shuffle and the ring of their donkey’s feet.
And a King lay hid in a virgin’s womb
And there were no crowds to see Him come.
At last in a barn in a manger of hay,
He came - and God incarnate lay.

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