Sunday, January 9, 2011

For You

It is 6:00 am on Sunday morning, and I am weary beyond measure!  Instead of being able to research and write, I spent a long day yesterday in Newport News, arrived home late, and went to bed even later.  After not near enough sleep, I am jolted awake by my irritating alarm, and get ready for a yet another long day [at work, this time!].

Regardless of my physical condition (or perhaps because of it?), my heart turns to God for inspiration, and as always, He does not ignore me.  I share with you today a scriptural paraphrase of Philippians 1:2-7a that was written by my daughter, Laci.  It came from her heart; I share it from mine.

I wish you peace and happiness from our Father God and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

I thank God for every memory I have of you.

I pray for you always, and do so with joy.

I’ve prayed for your friendship to me from the day we met until this moment.

And I know that even as God has created good in you, He will complete you as a person.

I think this is good for me, to think of you this way.
I hold you in my heart.

~ Paul

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