Tuesday, January 4, 2011

John: Rabbi

Two disciples heard John, and went after Jesus.  Jesus looked over His shoulder and said to them, “What are you after?”  They said, “Rabbi” [which means “Teacher”], where are you staying?  He replied, “Come along and see for yourself.”
John 1:37-39a [The Message]

My mother married Dad six months after she graduated from high school.  When my oldest brother turned five, he began to display symptoms of a mental or emotional disorder, and Mom was very frustrated that she did not have the knowledge or tools to help him.  Finally, in her late 40’s, Mom decided to go to college and earn a degree in special education.  She eventually settled on elementary education with additional training as a reading specialist.

Mom taught first and second grade because she felt that those were the crucial years for establishing life-long reading abilities.  She loved her little students with a passion, and often described the thrill of seeing a light come on in a child’s eyes when they finally understood the concept she was teaching.  There is no greater joy for a teacher than to see that look of wonder on a child’s face when clouds of frustration part and the sunlight of discovery shines through.

Jesus was many things to many people when He was here on this earth, but He was without question a master Teacher.  He wove wonderful stories using common everyday scenes and circumstances to illustrate His point – knowing that the next time they saw sheep on the hillside or a woman with dowry coins on her headdress, there was a good chance that they might remember His words.

Tell me the stories of Jesus I love to hear.
Things I would ask Him to tell me if He were here.
Scenes by the wayside, tales by the sea,
Stories of Jesus – tell them to me.

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