Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Rationalization of Chocolate

The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked: who can know it? Jeremiah 17:9 [KJV]

I have a long list of foods to which I am either allergic or intolerant.  Gluten intolerance is No. 1 on the list, but an adverse reaction to medication when I was in my 20’s left me allergic to just about everything to one degree or another.  An allergy test performed at Loma Linda University Medical Center when I was in my 20’s indicated that I could safely eat 6 different vegetables and pork.  Over the years, some allergies have faded, others have intensified. There are certain foods I just know better than to touch: chocolate, dairy, citrus, and anything with gluten, for starters.

Rationalization is a talent of the entire human race, but mine has been whittled to a very fine point.  If I sneak [yes – sneak] a bite of cake, bread, ice cream, little piece of orange or chocolate and nothing earth-shattering happens, I willingly convince myself that everything is OK.  Just a tiny bit once in a while won’t hurt.  But tiny bits have a way of snowballing, and suddenly there is the straw that breaks the camel’s back: for me, usually chocolate.  At that point, the stomach suddenly erupts into spewing acid, clouds of gas, excruciating spasms, and enough pain to last a lifetime.  Such was my lot last night – from 4:30pm to midnight.  Each time I do this to myself, I promise faithfully [to myself and to God] with a multitude of tears that I will never do it again. [Can you hear my rationalizing self chuckling in the background?]

Sin is exactly the same as my chocolate:  forbidden, hurtful, but oh, it tastes [feels] so good!  Somehow that desperately wicked brain doesn’t process the fact that the sin [taste, touch, feel] is over in a matter of seconds, minutes, hours – but the consequences can last a life-time.  I abhor pain, and have an extremely low threshold.  Why in the world would I willingly inflict it upon myself?  Sin can separate us from all the things we love – our true self, our friends, our family, our God.  The concept seems so easy – until we spot that next piece of chocolate.

Jesus! What a strength in weakness!
Let me hide myself in Him.
Tempted, tried, and sometimes failing
He, my strength, my victory wins.

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