Monday, January 31, 2011

To God be the Glory

Friends, keep up your prayers for us. 
1st Thessalonians 5:25

I have many friends to thank today, including the pastor and congregation of Beulah Church, for your thoughts and prayers for my trip to Pittsburgh, and for Joel’s success at his audition.  Prayer produces amazing results, one of which I would like to relate to you.

I was sitting in the great hall of the Fine Arts Building [a work of art in and of itself].  Joel had finished his theory test and was sitting a short way down the hall waiting for his ear training test.  A courtly gentleman walked up to me and inquired if I was a parent of one of the auditioners.  I replied that I was actually a vocal instructor.  He did not introduce himself, but asked me to point out my student, and I did so.  We then chatted for about 10 minutes, he telling me of the details of Carnegie-Mellon’s conservatory program, and I answering his questions regarding Joel and his family.  Finally, he smiled and said, “Well, I am really looking forward to hearing him.”  I must have been standing there staring at him, because he smiled and introduced himself as one of the four Master Vocal Instructors at the conservatory, and one of the adjudicators of the vocal auditions.  He then indicated that he wanted to go and speak to Joel, and proceeded to do so.

I sat in stunned silence.  I watched as he introduced himself to Joel, and spoke with him for 5-6 minutes.  Then this kind gentleman grabbed a bite of refreshment and went into the audition room.  I did not see him approach anyone else, although he very well may have at a later time. 

I have been in the teaching business for many, many years, and have attended auditions and competitions aplenty.  The adjudicators are always an inaccessible group, not wanting to prejudice their superior judgment with familiarity or sentimentality.  This gracious man broke down those barriers for one tremendously talented but shy student.  Joel went into that audition knowing that one of those faces at the back of the room would be familiar and friendly.  I sat outside the audition hall knowing that this man would be listening, not to a stranger, but to a young man of his acquaintance. 

To God be the glory, great things He has done.

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