Monday, January 24, 2011

The Fragility of Life

My humanity is bound up in yours,
for we can only be human together.
-Desmond Tutu

I watched 48 Hours last night – the portion that dealt with the aftermath of the Tucson shootings.  The woman being interviewed, Suzi Hileman, was the neighbor who invited 9-year-old Christina Taylor Green to go with her to the Congress on Your Corner event to meet her congresswoman.

I have thought of her so often in the intervening time since the shooting – of the grief and guilt that came from her innocent invitation to a budding politician to go and see how the process works. They watched Congresswoman Giffords drop to the ground, then followed her to the asphalt almost instantaneously.  Suzi lay next to Christina yelling at her not to die – not to leave her – even as life’s light faded from the little girl’s eyes.  The brutal “Oh my God, what have I done?” thoughts bore down on her, even through her own pain and suffering.  “I was responsible for her, Suzi said.  “It was my job to bring her home to her mom and dad.”

I cannot imagine such pain and guilt.  An unexpected [and huge] consolation presented itself at her hospital bedside—Christina’s parents, John and Roxanna Green.  They set aside their grief to reach out and console the one they knew would feel responsible for the death of their child.  They offered love, friendship and the complete absence of blame.  It was a precious gift to the woman who had been a surrogate grandmother to their daughter.

Suzi has written on her blog that she does not know if it’s possible to live with the knowledge that she watched the light go out of Christina’s eyes.  It will be a difficult challenge.  Hopefully the two sets of neighbors will continue to support each other and keep alive in their hearts the memory of this little girl.  We in the Christian community can assist – even though we are many miles away.  If you have a daily prayer list, put Suzi Hileman’s name on it.  Only God can heal her heart and give her the peace she craves. 

We give thanks to God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Praying always for you.
Colossians 1:3

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