Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Coming Days

He went away again, beyond the Jordan,
to the place where John was first baptizing,
and He was staying there.
John 10:40

For the next  few days, I would like to walk the journey that Christ took on His way to the cross and beyond.  As a church musician, I take this walk every year during Lent and Easter.  I never fail to be enthralled by the stories of that time, and always find something new that I had not realized before.

If any of you have a copy of the NIV Study Bible (mine is a hardcover printed in1985), there is a wonderful two-page drawing in the middle of the book of Mark, on pages 1524-1525.  This chart marks the path that I will follow.  The drawing is of Jerusalem and the surrounding areas, giving one a visual of the road to Calvary.

The life of Jesus is endlessly fascinating – His teachings, His methods of dealing with the twelve men at the core of His support group, His handling of the religious leaders and the political authority.  There is so much here for us to “chew” on , but time and space will impose their own limits to what can be put in a daily blog.  I hope you will read the passages in your own Bible, contemplating on what Jesus said and did during his last week here on this earth.  You will be blessed – I promise!

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