Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 4: Monday - Clearing Out the Temple

Dogwood Series:  No. 4
Then He entered the Temple area,
and began driving out those who were selling.
Luke 19:45 

Jesus traveled from Bethany to Jerusalem, and went directly to the Temple, which He had briefly visited the night before.  There He found the commerce of the synagogue in full swing.  The common people arrived to buy an animal for sacrifice.  Their “pagan” money was not useable within the Temple, so it had to be exchanged for Jewish coins.  As one can imagine, the exchange rate was astronomical. Then they had to buy the animals from the temple courtyard sellers, who were not there to give the people a bargain.

Jesus entered the Temple and drove out the money changers, overturning their tables and scattering their Jewish coins.  He drove out the animal sellers and dove merchants, and wouldn’t allow anyone to carry merchandise through the Temple.  “It is written,” He said to the people, “My house will be called a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of robbers” [Isaiah 56:7; Jeremiah 7:11].

When the courts’ atmosphere changed from chaos to quiet, the blind and the lame approached Jesus, and He healed them.  Children were rejoicing and shouting, “Hosanna to the Son of David.”  The religious leaders were angry, and accosted the Savior:  Do you hear what these children are saying?”  they asked.  Jesus again answered their outburst with Scripture.  “Have you not heard?  From the lips of children and infants You have ordained praise” [Psalm 8:2].  Jesus turned on heel and walked away, leaving the priests and teachers frustrated and speechless.  He left the Temple, and returned to Bethany for the night.

The activities of Jesus on Monday of Holy Week are found in 
Matthew 21:10-17, and Mark 11:15-18.  
There is a slight mention in Luke 19:45-46, but it does not give significant information.

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