Thursday, April 28, 2011

Lessons in a Lily

See how the lilies of the field grow.
They do not labor or spin.
Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his glory
was dressed like one of these.
Matthew 6:28-29

Yesterday a colleague at work asked me if I would like to have an Easter lily to take home.  I declined, telling her that I didn’t really like them.  She looked at me as if I had three heads.  Not like Easter lilies?  Well, sorry, but I really don’t care for them.   I think it is because they fade so quickly, not like lilies that are planted in the ground, although some of them can be equally short-lived.

When I purchased this house at the beginning of last summer, however, these familiar words of Christ quoted in Matthew really came alive for me.  I have 3 large pecan trees in my back yard, and around the base of the middle one bloomed the most beautiful lilies I have ever seen.  Pure pink in color, they were breathtaking as they waved gently in the breeze.  When spring began to push aside the winter this year, I watched carefully for the first signs of the lilies breaking through the ground.  The stems are now about 18” tall, and the promise of those glorious pink flowers keeps me checking the back yard at regular intervals. 

God could have created this world in black and white and grey, but He chose to provide every color of the rainbow and then some.  My pink lilies do not wish themselves beautiful – God created them so.  They don’t worry where their next BCBG dress is going to come from, or if their Manalo Blanik boots are going to arrive in time. They are a product of the Creator’s hand – more beautiful than any fashion we can hope for or purchase.  If God takes care of the day lilies, He is guaranteed to have you in His heart and mind.                                                                                                                                                        

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