Thursday, April 7, 2011


In our Music & Missions class for the children of the church, we have been learning about the homeless children across the world - their lives, their circumstances, and what is being done to help them.  Last night we talked about the children in Japan who have been left homeless after the earthquake and tsunami in March.  Government estimates place the number of homeless children at over 100,000.  In researching this topic, I came across a heartwarming story of a military couple determined to make a difference.

David and Gemini Sanford could have packed up and left Japan when many of their colleagues did so.  But the men and women of their base had developed a long-standing relationship with a local orphanage, and the Sanford's decided to stay and help the children.  The orphanage, which normally houses 50-70 children, is overrun with kids who have no where to go and no one to help them.  They began to appeal to their military friends to send non-perishable food, shoes, clothing and toys.  They were hoping to receive a large parcel of donations on one of the military cargo planes.  Instead, they received an entire plane load of items for the children at the orphanage as well as other children in the surrounding area, as the military personnel assist in establishing a home for these children.

Home.... what a wonderful word - what a warm and comforting thought.  There is never, ever any place quite like home. What a joy to know that God dwells in a wonderful celestial home far beyond the stars, and you have an open invitation to be a part of His family.  

Don't let this throw you.  
You trust God, don't you?  Trust Me.
There is plenty of room for you in My Father's house.
If that weren't so, would I have told you that
I am on my way to get a room ready for you?
And If I'm on my way to get your room ready,
I'll come back and get you
so that you can live where I live.
John 14:1-3

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