Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fundraising for School

With much wisdom comes much sorrow:
the more knowledge, the more grief.
Ecclesiastes 1:18

My doorbell rang Thursday during a break in the rain.  When I answered, I found two adorable children on my stoop, each clutching a large envelope that had all the earmarks of the annual school fundraising catalog.  The boy’s face was split ear-to-ear with an infectious grin as he told me that he was selling items for his school.  The little girl was dancing from foot to foot – obviously afraid that her big brother was going to get the sale and leave her out of the equation.  As I glanced toward the street looking for a parent, I found the mother standing with a third child, also holding a sales catalog.  I motioned the older girl over, and the four of us sat on the stairs to look at all the beautifully displayed, wondrously overpriced goodies.

These children certainly knocked on the right door, for I am the neighborhood school fundraising junkie.  I buy from every child who lands on my doorstep, and I instantly realized that I needed to purchase something from each of these kids.  How could I choose one over another?  I finally found three things that I could afford and actually use, wrote three checks, and the beaming children went merrily on their way.

Young children by and large are very happy creatures.  They have few cares in this world, other than homework and sibling squabbles.  As they get older, they find life much less tolerant of their happiness - much more apt to place burdens on their backs than smiles on their faces.   Kids regard everyone as their friend; we who are older and wiser must teach them the sad truth: stranger danger is not just a slogan, it is a reality.  King Solomon knew whereof he spoke.  As we grow up in years and experience, we realize this world often has more troubles than pleasures - as many sorrows as there are joys.

Today's Prayer Needs
Judy, Al and Kayla for continued recovery after surgery
A Young Man with a possible brain tumor
Men and women of the military wherever they are serving 

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