Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hidden Dangers

Photo courtesy of Google Internet Search

I have hidden Your word in my heart
That I might not sin against You.
Psalm 119:11

I have an acquaintance that appears to be in relatively good health.  There are no outward indications that anything might possibly be wrong.  When visiting the doctor the other day, however, she complained of feeling tired most of the time.  Something just didn’t seem right.  When the normal vital signs were found to be fine, the doctor questioned her more closely.  Was there anything else that seemed just a little off-kilter?  “Yes,” she replied, “my legs.”

An ultrasound was ordered, the results of which would be ready in a few days.  Imagine her surprise when she received an urgent call from the doctor’s office.  She needed to be seen by a vascular surgeon immediately!  The diagnosis?  Severe vascular disease hidden in the depths of her legs.  She could hardly believe this was possible, for there were no outward signs of the inward condition threatening her life.

The writer of the one hundred and nineteenth psalm knew that the human heart can be a hidden receptacle of hatred, deceit, jealousy, anger, and many other traits that flourish unseen and threaten to destroy the soul.  His solution?  To fill his heart with the word of God to prevent the seeds of sin from taking root.  As my father would say, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”  

Great peace have they who love Your law,
and nothing can make them stumble.
Psalm 119:165

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