Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sing Praise to God!

Photograph Courtesy of Google Internet Search

I will always sing about the Lord’s love,
I will tell of His loyalty from now on.
I will say, “Your love continues forever,
Your loyalty goes on and on like the sky.”
Psalm 89:1-2

One of the families in our congregation had a great deal to sing about today.  This is a family of wife, husband, and two grandchildren. When Hurricane Irene came sweeping through Richmond last Saturday, they had just put a pot of water on the stove.  When the storm hit, the power went out, and they did not give it another thought.  When the power came back on, the stove came back on, burned through the pan, and then burned up the kitchen.

This morning, the wife had tears in her eyes as she related that because this happened in the middle of the day, the family was not home.  If the power had been restored at night when they were asleep, it might have had much more tragic consequences.  The family of four had been sleeping in the den – right next to the kitchen.  The smoke from the burgeoning fire might have overtaken them before anyone could raise the alarm.  Even though the repairs are going to take up to three months, this family was praising the Lord today that it was only loss of property, not loss of life.

All of my life, I have heard the phrase, “There is always a reason to give thanks.”  That idea has been severely tried at times in my life, and there have been occasions when I have had to ask God to show me a reason to be thankful.  Even through tears and heartache, it has always proven to be true.  I don’t know if there is a silver lining in every dark cloud, but there is certainly a reason to be thankful in every circumstance of our lives.  It might be really hard to find, but it will always shine through eventually.

Prayer Needs for Today
Everyone who is still without power on this 9th day of outages after the storm.
Joel for wisdom and direction in college.
Jim and Pam as they look for alternative housing and settle the grandchildren.

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