Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Double Rose  No. 5 of the Russet Rose Series

Thou shalt not steal.
Exodus 20:15

This was an easy commandment for the children.  If it doesn’t belong to you, don’t take it.  Enough said.  I knew that they were talking about such things as clothes, gum, jewelry, clothes – shoplifting, taking things at school, stealing money from your parents, and the list goes on.  I said to them, “There are other ways to steal.  Can you think of any?”  When I got no takers, I asked this question:  “Is it possible to steal someone’s reputation – their good name?”

The recognition that this was possible was instantaneous.  It also became immediately clear that you would break other commandments if one broke this one.  Telling lies about someone, hating them enough to want to hurt them, doing everything you can to make life miserable for them doesn’t exactly qualify for loving others as you love yourself. 

Gossip hurts.  Lies hurt.  Cruelty is life-changing, and not for the better.  Jesus says, "Don’t Take!  GIVE.Give affirmation, give hope, give love, give life!

I will respect what others have,
And not try to take it away.
That’s what God wants me to do,
That’s what God wants me to do,
That’s what God wants me to do
and I am His child.

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