Thursday, September 29, 2011

Take a Break!

Photo Courtesy of Google Internet Favorite Cat Photos

Whatsoever thy hand finds to do,
Do it with all your might,
for in the grave, where you are going,
there is neither working nor planning
nor knowledge nor wisdom.
Ecclesiastes  9:10

The beginning of the fall season is an intensive time for the music director of a church.  I have been working all summer on the music for the coming choral season, but there are always details that still need to be addressed when September arrives.  There are ten music groups in my church, eight of which I myself direct.  Sunday I worked a thirteen hour day.  Monday went until 8:00pm, Tuesday the same, and yesterday’s workday ended at 8:30pm. 

This morning when I awoke, my mind refused to even consider the possibility of going into the office.  My brain was in music overload, and it demanded a break. My work is not over this evening until after 9pm.  Why in the world should I go into the office early this morning?   So I obeyed my inner mental health expert, and went outside – into God’s great creation.  The rain has finally stopped in our area, and this morning is cool and sunny.  I mowed the rest of the front yard (good physical exercise!), did some grass trimming, cut suckers off of my crepe myrtles, and generally exulted in having my head in the fresh air and my hands in the dirt.

Solomon admonishes us to work hard and well at what we do, and I try my best to accomplish that.  However, many of us simply do not know when to quit.   There is a time to work, and there is a time to take a break from your labors – especially when the job is intensive.   I will be much more productive (and happy) this afternoon/evening because I stopped to trim the roses.  Take just a moment today to give your spirit a little down time.  Your body will thank you.

Today's Prayer Needs
Judy and Kayla for recuperation after surgery 
Mason for peace and security with issues at school
Laci, Steve and Gordon for traveling safety.

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