Thursday, September 1, 2011

Petty Thef

Photograph courtesy of the Internet Search engine

Do not steal.
Exodus 20:15

Thief n.  [ME theef]
1.  Someone who steals.

Steal vb. [ME stelen]
1. To take the property of another wrongfully,
especially as a habitual or regular practice.
3. To take or appropriate without right and with intent to keep.

I think most of us view ourselves as honest people.  We try not to lie, we do not cheat, and definitely we do not steal.  Or do we?  It is amazing the ways we can justify our need to do something or have something because of certain circumstances in our lives.  Our need is so clear to us.  Other’s loss?  Not so much.  I thought I would make a little list of ways to take something that certainly doesn’t seem like stealing.

I can take:
Postage from the meter at work for personal mail
[I forgot my stamps and this really needs to be mailed]

Someone’s reputation through gossip
[Telling this one little tidbit won’t hurt anybody]

$$$ from the restaurant by fudging my child’s age
[Hey – she was 12; and I don’t have much money today]

Snacks from the snack box without leaving cash
[I don’t have any change right now; I’ll bring it tomorrow]

Time that I am being paid for by my employer
[I just want to check my e-mail; I’ll won’t be but a minute]

Money out of my child’s piggy bank
[I gave it to them in the first place, and they’ll never miss a few bucks]

Someone’s spouse or boyfriend
[He/she’s not treating you right, and she/he can’t love you like I can]

$$$ from my employer by padding my expense account
[Hey – they don’t pay me near what I am worth.]

An item from Walmart stuck in the bottom of my basket-not paid for.
[I don’t have time to go back in-I’m late as it is.  And it’s only $1.99]

Our brains can always think of justifications, but I doubt our actions are justified in God’s life view.  He has given us so many blessings.  When you take from others, you are telling God that His gifts are not enough.    

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