Monday, May 14, 2012

Bathing a Cat

Bronx Zoo.  Copyright 2012: singeronthesand

Wash me and I will be whiter than snow.
Psalm 51:7

Have you ever tried to bathe a cat?  Furry felines have been a part of my household for as long as I can remember.  When I was a kid, it was a smoky gray female cat named Susie who was an absolute kitten machine.  When I graduated from college and established my own home, I raised a series of Persian cats, and then Siamese.  I have had garden variety cats and top-dollar ones.  None of them are interested in taking a bath.  I have learned through painful experience to run the water in the bathtub ahead of time [playacting that I don't even own a cat], placing several thick towels within easy reach, putting on long rubber gloves covered by long sleeves, then casually picking up the animal and quickly dunking them in the water.  Believe me, he who hesitates is lost!  Some cat baths have been easier than others, but none of them have been what I would call an enjoyable experience. 

Imagine my surprise when I spotted my large cat friend above, luxuriating in a pond of water at the Bronx Zoo.  I had absolutely no idea that tigers not only tolerate water, they love it!  This fellow swam, cannonballed, and generally had a marvelous time splashing his fellow cats who were lounging pond-side on the rocks.  It made me (in my imagination) want to jump right in with him  - a feat that will never happen this side of heaven.  

There are times when I need washing and I am not too keen for the process.  When I have wandered outside the love and grace of the Father, determined to do my own thing, I inevitably end up making bad moves and worse decisions.  When I am thoroughly stained with the guilt of sin, there is the cool refreshing water of the spirit, mixed with the oil of forgiveness, waiting for me to admit my need and submit to the cleansing process.  Like my tiger friend, I need to cannonball straight into the cleansing fountain of God's love, for He has promised that ...sinners plunged beneath that flood lose all their guilty stains. 


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