Thursday, May 10, 2012

Beholder of Beauty

Bronx Zoo. Copyright 2012: singeronthesand

...once in three years came the navy of Tharshish,
bringing gold and silver, ivory, apes, and peacocks. 
1 Kings 10:22b

I was raised in a conservative Christian culture that forbade the wearing of jewelry by men or women.  The gist of the religious concerns expressed was that jewelry is an unnecessary glorification of the body, and calls attention to ourselves instead of to Jesus.  In the minds of the church elders, women wore jewelry to attract the attention of other men - something that no real Christian would do. We must put aside anything that glorifies our human body, and  with meekness and humility, let our characters shine rather than our diamonds.  The subtle, underlying message was that God does not care for beauty, but appreciates plainness, if not austerity.  If someone wanted to be baptized and/or join our church, they had to first give up all jewelry, including engagement rings and wedding bands.

I never gave a second thought to the party line until I reached twelve years old, when I began to work for other denominations as a church musician.  In the various congregations that employed me, I found literally hundreds of women who wore earrings, bracelets, and necklaces on a weekly basis, and never gave a second thought as to what jewelry they had one.  They were not preening or displaying their bling, and (funny thing!), many of them were among the finest Christians I had ever met.  Their characters shone much brighter than the diamonds - their smiles far brighter than their gold or silver. 

If God really doesn't like spectacular beauty, He certainly hides it well.  My peacock friend is such a brilliant blue, he is breathtaking to look at.  When he deems it time to spread his tail feathers, the effect is like flinging a hundred sparkling jewels in all directions.  God could have made him in black and white, but He chose stunning shades of blue, green and purple.  There may be those who cannot get past a diamond ring on the finger or emeralds in the ears, but I don't think God is one of them.   

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